sunshine0221's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Don't Know I Don't Know Being that I am a responsible cat servant, back when I first acquired Teeny Weeny, I took him to the vet. One of the first questions that was asked was his name. The following conversation followed: Self: His name is Teeny Weeny. Vet: I am NOT putting down that name, think of something else. Self. It is his name, I tried to come up with something else. His name is Teeny Weeny. Vet: I am not writing that down. Give me another name. Self: I don't know!!! Last week I got a card in the mail that "I Don't Know" needs to come in for a booster shot. Both Teeny and I were quite amused. And I think I love my vet. 1:56 p.m. - December 09, 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |